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Online Marketing Should Combine TV and Web

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Online marketing is part of the overall marketing mix. Treating it as the only element of your marketing plan ignores many time proven, and still relevant, marketing channels:

Tess Alps, chief executive at Thinkbox, emphasised the relationship between the internet and TV at this month's Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: The Future of Advertising, observing that online brands such as Compare the Meerkat are seeing great success via the medium of television.

Online marketing services 'should incorporate TV and the web'

by ClickThrough | 14 Sep 2009

Online marketing services 'should incorporate TV and the web' Television and the web complement each other well and online marketers could benefit from using the two together in their advertising strategies, an industry expert has suggested.

Tess Alps, chief executive at Thinkbox, emphasised the relationship between the internet and TV at this month's Westminster Media Forum Keynote Seminar: The Future of Advertising, observing that online brands such as Compare the Meerkat are seeing great success via the medium of television.

"People concurrently watching TV and being online makes television a point of sale medium," she said, adding that those involved in online PR are only just beginning to understand the effects of TV on web traffic.

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