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How to Catch Dirty Vendor Tricks

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Ahhh... the tricks vendors will play when trying to sell software. This is agreat list of tricks vendors use quite often to "make the sale" right before socking you with a large bill for other neccesary services.

Those dirty vendor tricks

  • Underbid, then overcharge. Vendors offer low tempting prices and make up the difference in added charges after the contract is signed.
  • Low-priced software, then additional charges to implement the software.
  • Check your bill carefully because you may get charged for services you didn't buy.
  • Unnecessary upgrades. Watch out for the extra services your vendor thinks you must have.
  • The clueless customer: Make sure you don't put too much trust in systems integrators and vendors. Do your own investigation.
  • Read more: Software Vendor Tricks


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