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Riding the Google Wave to Social Marketing

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Google Wave is being touted as "the next big thing" in a lot of different ways... this article applies its benefits to social marketing.

Over the last few weeks there has been a great deal of buzz around Google Wave, and what it means to online marketing. Billed as an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration, the Google Wave allows people to work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps and other tools.

The introduction of the Wave will evolve social networking to social marketing and allow marketers to better target and effectively encourage customer behavior such as communication, collaboration, interaction and ideally, purchase.


The Wave builds on the concept of cloud computing. Through cloud computing, a single application can be delivered through a Web browser to thousands of customers using a multitenant architecture. One of the best-known examples among enterprise applications is Salesforce.com. In its basic form, a cloud allows multiple users to access applications hosted on a hub instead of having the application installed on their PC, removing the need for a laptop to have to support anything other than connection to the internet. To understand in real-life terms, it’s like a chess game created as an application, hosted on a Wave, where users play against each other in real time with the ability to view the Wave in the present, as well as activities that happened previously in that same Wave.

Continue reading this article on social media and Google Wave


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